Secret prayers

The Psalms, so many simple and beautiful truths written and sung in their pages. Many of the psalms were actually set to music in Hebrew, someday I should like to hear them sung.

The Bible is the inerrant Word of God, breathed out by the Holy Spirit through the writings of man. The Bible is a collection stories, songs, and letters. But stepping back and seeing the whole picture, our is a love letter from God to His chosen people, and all points to Jesus.

This sets the stage for my point, if you see the Bible as pointing to Jesus, look into the psalms. When the New Testament speaks of Jesus in prayer, rarely do we get to hear the words, but if He is the Word made flesh among us, maybe we already have those secret prayers.

Psalm 22 speaks of the crucifixion centuries before the torturous death was invented. So then maybe there is more in the psalms than you thought.

My challenge is to read and pray through the Psalms, and the deeper I dive, the more connections I see. In the psalms, I hear the prayers of Jesus in the garden before he was delivered to die; I hear the prayers of when He was on the mount with Elijah and Moses. I am finding so much more in the psalms than what I went looking for, how deep is His love for me.