In God We Trust

This nation was founded upon a belief, that we were free and equal. Our forefathers fought and died for freedom from oppression. They were oppressed by a kingdom across the sea, from a nation that only desired their own wealth and exaltation.

The Pilgrims left so that they could be free to practice their beliefs, oppressed by the same nation.

The foundation for the belief system that created our nation, was rooted in a fear of God over man. A trust in God to deliver from hatred and oppression.

In my current reading through the Psalms, I came across the following passage:

Psalm 56:10-11 In God, whose word I praise, in the Lord, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me?

Our forefathers knew the Bible, had grown up on its teachings. They knew that this came from a psalm of David, when being pursued by Saul. And I believe that this passage, among many others, shaped our country. Even to the point that these words are engraved in our money.

How far we have come since the beginning. We talk of tolerance and only tolerate the things that do not mention God. We talk of freedom, and only want freedom from anything to do with God. We are free to share our opinions and beliefs, as long as we leave our belief in God out of it.

My heart mourns for this nation, and I long to see the people of God loving and not tolerating their neighbors. But I do see signs of a fire, a true desire to make Jesus famous. But I yearn to see that fire set ablaze in the hearts of God's people everywhere.

So I will pray... And I will live passionately for God