
Ugh! Wow, so I'm totally not awake today... Had to be up at 7:00 am to go with Irene to the doctor this morning, and did NOT want to wake up. We got to the doctor a little after 9 am this morning and spent the next 3 hours there... Blood sugar testing for possible Gestational Diabetes for Irene.

I'm really split on how the results of this test will make me feel. I don't want the test to show that she has diabetes, but there is a part of me that kinda wants her to come out positive to the test...

NOW WAIT! I know that some of you are thinking, "did he just wish his wife to have diabetes?" Let me explain: If the test comes out positive, then this is something we can control. We can change her diet, monitor her blood sugar and help to keep her balanced. This would help to counteract some of the fatigue and general moods that seem to bring her down. That way she could have a smoother, possibly more enjoyable last 10 weeks of the pregnancy.

THAT'S RIGHT, 10 WEEKS LEFT!!! And we are still not ready at the house... lol! At least we have the nursery cleared. But that won't come into use for atleast a couple of months as she will be sleeping in our room in the bassinet next to the bed. And that's the next two projects to complete this week: 1. Cleaning up the bedroom (and keeping it clean); 2. Getting the bassinet from her parents.

Back to the sleep depravity I feel today... feels like I've been walking through water all day long. You know that feeling that the world just seems to be moving alot faster than it should, and you just can't keep up? That's me right now. And OH JOY! I get to work all night, plus the guys are coming tonight to clean the hoods and I will have to stay to watch them, gonna be a long night... but should be home around midnight.

Coming up soon, explanation behind the theme of this blog and my nickname here. See you soon. Visit me at work!