Lightning Strikes and Ignorance

So there have been some crazy storms we have been having over the last month or so. I thought that the saying was "April shower bring May flowers," not "June showers..." I guess mother nature is just a little out of touch at the moment. Funny that we in this area are getting all the rain that they need out in California. The levels are so low out there that they are going to start cutting back even more from the farmers for their irrigation. Which in turn will cut down on the production of crops from CA and then affect us out here on the east coast with food costs... Ironic how the circle of economic and natural life works, even within the infrastructure of the US.

Apparently there was a lot of rain the other night that rivaled a couple of weeks ago. That night woke both my wife and I up from a sound sleep and even set car alarms off in my neighborhood. Not let me spell that out again for you, the RAIN set off the car alarms, not thunder, not lightning, RAIN! Many of my customers have been commenting how the other night was so bad, woke them up. That night, we both slept like the dead. Or as Nora used to say, slept like it was our job!

So I'm sure that most of you should have heard of the almost tragedy that occurred on Wednesday June 10Th in Washington, DC. The National Holocaust Museum was attacked! A guy came in, wearing a long coat, one of the security guards even opened the door for him, at which point he brandished a long rifle and shot the gentleman who had opened the door for him. At this point the other security officers opened fire and were able to take the gunman down before he could actually enter the museum. The gunman was not fatal injured and will be able to stand trial, but unfortunately the security guard he shot eventually did pass away from the injuries he sustained. The guard had worked at the museum for 6 years, and today 06/11/09 the museum was closed in his honor.

But it turns out that the gunman was part of a white supremacy group. I still cannot understand how this kind of ignorance breeds today. I know that every person is a bit racist, we all make snap judgements about other people based on what we see. But to take it that far and believe that other races should be exterminated, or in this case the remembrance of a terrible tragedy, is just beyond my comprehension...

... I just have to remember, God is in control. Even if I don't understand the big picture, and may never understand it, I know that everything is under the authority of the All Mighty, Yahweh. I pray for patience and peace, for all those involved in this tragic event.